Pincode of Vill Bun Harika Dish Faridkot Kotkapura Kotkapura_
Kotkapura pin code has total six digits. First digit is 1, second digit is 5, third digit is 1, fourth digit is 2, fifth digit is 0 and sixth digit is 4. People who checked pin code of Dhabani, also checked pin code of places listed below. Pincode of Kotkapura, Faridkot, Punjab is 151204.
Postal codes for Kotkapura, India. Use our interactive map, address lookup, or code list to find the correct zip code for your postal mails destination. Kotkapura is a Speed Post Sub Post Office aka Dak Ghar in Faridkot, Punjab which deliver the mails and take bookings. Postal Department of India alloted 151204 PIN Code to this office. In terms of location, Kotkapura PO is situtated in the Faridkot taluk, Faridkot postal sub-district, Punjab West postal region, Faridkot postal division under the Punjab postal circle. Pin Code: 151204 (Click to see all Post Offices with same Pin Code) Contact Address: Postmaster, Post Office KOTKAPURA (SUB OFFICE), FARIDKOT, PUNJAB (PB), India (IN), Pin Code:- 151204. Delivery Status :- DELIVERY.
Valmiki Chowk ; Dwareana Road ; Kotkapura is a area in Faridkot District in Punjab State , Find Postal code, zip code, pincode of main road moga road kotkapura dist is 151204. main road moga road kotkapura dist faridkot punjab 151 204 Post office 151204. Taluk: Faridkot Area: Kotkapura District: Faridkot State: Punjab Faridkot District, in the state of Punjab state and the Pincode number is 151204.
Get Pin Code of Kotkapura of Faridkot district in Punjab. Postal code of Kotkapura zone Punjab. Kotkapura is also spelled kotkapura and kotakpura. What does PIN represent? The Pincode 151204 of Kotkapura P.O. represents Kotkapura post office in Faridkot revenue district which comes under the Punjab postal circle of Chandigarh Region region. Go to PIN code search Get Pincode of Kotkapura, Faridkot, Punjab. This is the most convenient search engine for finding pincodes and addresses of India and also the largest database of pincodes of India.
151204 Pin code , Kotkapura Post Office Deatils.
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Kotkapura PIN Code & Post Office in Faridkot, Faridkot, Punjab. Kotkapura is a Speed Post Sub Post Office aka Dak Ghar in Faridkot, Punjab which deliver the mails and take bookings. Postal Department of India alloted 151204 PIN Code to this office.
The delivery status of 151204 pincode is Delivery.The office type of branch Kotkapura is Sub
151204 is the pincode number of Kotkapura S.O post office in Faridkot district, Punjab, India as codified by Indiapost. India PIN Codes Directory Pincode List > Punjab > Faridkot > Kotkapura
151204 pin code of Kotkapura, Faridkot, Punjab, India and Post Office |
Map Kotkapura Faridkot Punjab Post Code. Frequently asked questions: 1) What is the zip code of Kotkapur?
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Punjab The second digit "5" represents the sub-region i.e. Chandigarh Region, and the third digit "1" represents the district of that region i.e. Faridkot. 151204 Pin code , Kotkapura Post Office Deatils.
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